Project Description
Funding Source: AK Health and Human Services/Substance Abuse/Mental Health Svc Admin
Years Active: 2016 – 2019
Evaluation Activities: Comprehensive Program Evaluation/Evaluation Plan Development
Partners: Sitka Counseling and Prevention Services, Strategic Prevention Solutions
The opioid epidemic impacts communities nationwide. Sitka Counseling and Prevention Services secured a multi-year grant to reduce opioid misuse across Sitka’s demographic landscape. As the only rural Alaska community funded through this initiative, Sitka serves as a pilot locality to test opioid misuse prevention strategies in small, remote communities. Strategic Prevention Solutions and EvaluLogic teamed up to conduct the Sitka Community Assessment of Non-medical Use of Prescription Opioids. As the program evaluator, EvaluLogic continues to develop and implemented assessment instruments with multiple stakeholders to evaluate program efficacy and impact.